Gilded Age Romances

J.B. Wadsworth

Clean historical romances for the nostalgic reader

The real measure of our wealth is how much we'd be worth if we lost all our money.
~Benjamin Jowett

Why Write about the Gilded Age?

When Mark Twain dubbed the era in the United States from the post-Civil War years to around 1913 as the Gilded Age, he hit the nail on the head. Those years were a time of extremes between the “haves” and the “have nots” and echoed the existence of gold gilding on the outside of the robber baron society while hiding the rot and corruption within—a society much like ours today. My Gilded Age Romance novels explore the social norms and vulgar displays of wealth among the rich as well as the desperate circumstances of the poor in the rise and fall of fortunes that defined life in America for several generations.